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Russians At War Director Responds To Toronto Fest Protest

‘Russians at War’ Director Responds to Toronto Fest Protest

‘Russians at War’ Director Responds to Toronto Fest Protest

Russians at War director Ihor Tsyvyansk, who was also a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, came under fire from protestors at the Toronto International Film Festival. The critical comments came in response to a documentary film that purportedly amplifies Russian propaganda. The critique was that Russians at War is essentially a re-branding of a Russian film project titled “The Crimean Bridge.”

Tsyvyansk Defends Film

In his defense, Tsyvyansk maintains that the film is an ethical and conscientious documentation of the military conflict in Ukraine. He dismisses claims that his film was funded by Russia, stating that the funding came from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Tsyvyansk also pointed to the film’s inclusion of footage sourced from Ukrainian citizens and soldiers.

Tsyvyansk has pointed to the participation of Ukraininans in making the film as proof it is not pro-Russian. Larysa Artiugina, who was born in Lviv and is a member of Ukraine’s Association of Cinematographers, worked as the first assistant director. Valentin Vasyanovich, also from Ukraine, was the film’s editor.

Film Sparks Controversy

Despite Tsyvyansk's defense, the film has sparked controversy. Critics have pointed out that the film does not directly condemn Russia's annexation of Crimea or its role in the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine. They argue that the film's portrayal of the conflict is biased in favor of Russia. As a result, protestors demanded that the film be pulled from the festival.

The Toronto International Film Festival has since issued a statement defending its decision to screen the film. The festival's artistic director, Cameron Bailey, stated that the festival believes in the importance of open dialogue and debate, even when it comes to controversial topics. He also said that the festival does not endorse the views expressed in the films it screens.


The controversy surrounding "Russians at War" highlights the complex and often contentious nature of war documentaries. Such films can provide valuable insights into armed conflicts, but they can also be used to promote propaganda or to justify violence. It is important to critically engage with these films and to consider the perspectives of all sides involved in the conflict.
